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Luanne Samuel, Baron Ablon and Liz Goldreich.

Alcuin School recently held their annual Major Donor Appreciation Dinner at the beautiful Park Cities home of Frank and Debbie Branson with more than 80 guests in attendance.  This year was especially meaningful as the school kicks off the celebratory 50th Anniversary Year (2014-2015) with this special thank-you to those who have supported and helped build the school into the institution of educational excellence that it is today.  This appreciation event leads into the 50th Anniversary Gala Celebration on Saturday, March 29 at the Westin Park Central Hotel.  For more information about the Alcuin School Gala call 972.239.1745 or visit

Alcuin School inspires its students to reach their highest levels of personal and academic achievement, guides them to become compassionate global citizens, and prepares them to embrace challenges with confidence and innovation by providing the ideal Montessori and International Baccalaureate education.

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