
Kids of all ages will enjoy celebrating Valentine’s Day with this gorgeous Washi Tape Heart Craft. This craft is colorful, simple, and perfect for school or home.

Washi Tape Heart Craft

Washi Tape Heart Craft

If your kids are anything like mine, they adore tape. And when I say adore, I mean ADORE! My youngest son is always asking for tape. So when I invited him to come to the craft table to make a Washi Tape Heart Craft, he was there in seconds!

This beautiful, vibrant craft is easy, fun, and inexpensive. I buy washi tape in bulk (look for boxed sets) from the craft store with a 40% of 50% off coupon. I love the patterns, colors, and how easy it is for kids to use.

To make this craft you will need:

  • washi tape
  • white paper hearts (save time by using precut hearts from the craft store)
  • single hole punch
  • string

Washi Tape Heart Craft

After gathering supplies, invite kids to begin placing strips of tape on their hearts. If they have trouble with this step, you could simply pull strips for them and place them on waxed paper.

Washi Tape Heart Craft

Excess tape can simply be tucked around the heart or if your child is practicing scissor skills, invite them to cut it off.

Washi Tape Heart Craft

Place the tape in straight lines or zig zag lines.

Washi Tape Heart Craft

Use a single hole punch to create a hole in the corner of the hearts, then pull a colorful piece of string or yarn through the holes and tie off.

Washi Tape Heart Craft

Hang the hearts in the window, on doors, or on small hooks. They are a fun, simple, decoration for Valentine’s Day! Or, invite children to write a Valentine’s Day message on the back for a beloved teacher, friend, or grandparent.

Washi Tape Heart Craft

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