

Younger women on cougars

If younger men are hot for old moms, and old moms complain men their age want younger women — what do younger women have to say about cougars and their eager prey (but then – who is the hunter and who is the hunted?)?

See my recent post:  What is UP with young guys looking for older single moms?! This cougar investigates.

I wrote:


This cougar-seeking phenomenon is another thing all together. What is significant about this trend is that a) younger men historically have not been interested in older women — especially moms. After all, youth in every culture is prized in mating, as biology favors young junk. b) The uptick in this young-dude interest is so swift – and the age gaps significant.

I’m not the only one to notice. A few weeks ago my friend Perri emailed me:

I have a question for you.  I just joined a dating site, and love it.  But why am I being contacted by so many men who are 21 to 28 years old? I’m 42!  It’s crazy. I don’t look my age but it’s there in my profile, so no guessing is involved. Is this a dare to screw an old chick? That said, I’m meeting a guy tonight to play pool. He’s great, makes me laugh, we have similar careers and education and the conversation is very easy and uncomplicated. But still – I’m perplexed! 

I admit, I’m perplexed too. So I went out and did some research. And by researched, I started quizzing the Benjamin Braddocks who hit me up online.


In this episode I chat with my friend and podcast editor Rachel Jacobs, an awesome 25-year-old woman who’d love to meet a guy and have a family one day — but finds the pickings are slim, in part, because everyone is dating outside their age zone.

Really funny and interesting perspective. Have a listen!



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The post A 25-yer-old woman on cougars and why she can’t find a husband appeared first on Emma Johnson.

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