


Hey, single mom!

Are you super-ambitious?

Kicking ASS at work or with your own business (or both!)?

Do you have BIG DREAMS and BIG GOALS for your career?

Do want to make LOTS OF MONEY, and are not the least bit ashamed of it?

Better yet — do you want to hang out with other awesome single moms? Single moms who also have big work goals in their sights, supportive, positive, dynamic single moms who GET IT? Women who take responsibility for their lives, success and happiness?

Then come on over to Millionaire Single Moms, the closed Facebook group that launched  Screen Shot 2015-12-06 at 3.34.28 PMTODAY, and is already BLOWING UP with excited moms taking their careers and lives to new levels. The group includes physicians, attorneys, HR directors, direct sales superstars, all kinds of entrepreneurs, educators, nurses, writers and media professionals– and much more!

No income requirements. The rules are simple:

  • This is a place of support, encouragement, and sharing.
  • Not allowed: bitching, complaining, blaming others, griping, rudeness, or being a victim.

Sound as delightful as it is? Just pop over to Millionaire Single Moms, request to be added, and join the camaraderie. I look forward to seeing you there!


Does this path to success and wealth something you crave, but you feel stuck? My new video course, How Not To Be A Broke Single Mom is in pre-launch now.




The post Millionaire Single Moms: Connect with other solo mammas who are KILLING it in business! appeared first on Emma Johnson.

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