

Proud mom brag: My kids are featured in the annual report for Watsi, one of our favorite charities. I found the organization that crowdfunds donations for medical treatment for people in the developing world as part of my family’s money management program.

Each week my kids receive an allowance (paid out monthly) equal to one dollar per year of age. They can spend half freely, a quarter goes into a savings account, and the remaining quarter is given to a charity of their choice — a donation I match dollar-for-dollar. Watsi is a favorite because the images and stories make it easy for young children to understand exactly what their money supports, as well as underscores how abundant they are.

I suggest you devise a similar program for your family, as well as a giving plan for yourself.

It is really easy to feel broke as a single mom. I don’t need to remind you of the stats: Single mom-lead families are far more likely to live in poverty, in crappy neighborhoods and struggle with the basics of life than two-parent, “traditional” families. Even if you are middle class or more, you are poorer than you would be if you are married, and you are likely poorer than your married peers. Fact.

Other fact: You live in one of the richest countries in the world, at a time of unprecedented opportunity for women. You have a lot. A whole, whole lot. And there is no better way to remind yourself of that than to give to those who have less than you.

When you give back, you tell yourself, your children, your community and yourself: I am abundant. I have what I need and I am grateful for it. I am content with what I have, even as I strive to do more than I can dream about.

This holiday season and every day, write that check, donate online, spend time in your community on projects and efforts you believe in. Because you should, and because you can.

The post Why giving to (not getting from) charity is so important for single moms appeared first on Emma Johnson.

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