So I figured I'd wait 7 days after Maggie turns 2 so that it would be a good weekend for people to come to a party as opposed to Thanksgiving Weekend. WRONG. I also figured that I would have it at a nearby park cause I thought maybe, maybe the weather would be nice. WRONG AGAIN.

This past Saturday Maggie had her 2nd Birthday Party in what the news station was calling the Icemageddon of Texas. Everything was closed down and DFW was entombed in ice.

I prepared all week and all weekend, getting the cookies made and the cupcakes perfect – this was really all about me, just kidding. But once the ice hit Thursday night I started to loose confidence and by Saturday morning I figured nobody would dare come to the party. I wasn't really too disappointed, she was only 2 so she wouldn't have known, and I knew days ahead that this may happen.

But some people did risk life and limb and did come. Honestly there were kids for Maggie to play with and I almost cried seeing her so happy with other children. Thank You to everybody who came.

Grandma Roznik, who had no problems driving on ice cause she grew up in Wisconsin, came. My friends Patty and Ben and their 3 kiddos, and the next door neighbor with her little girl all made it over for and brought some things for Maggie to play with and helped with the cabin fever we were feeling. Maggie ate so many cookies – so many and during gift-time we Skyped with Grammy, so she got to see Maggie open up her cow-dressed babydoll.

Here are some pictures of my Maggie's COW themed party.

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