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Kelley Green, treasurer elect, and Rosa Mallat, VP of Programs

The Hyer Preschool Association thanked the outgoing board members at a turnover dinner on April 25 at Nicola’s hosted by Gina Grove Collins.  The 2011-2012 HPA Board was congratulated on another successful year.  Outgoing President Gina Grove Collins was presented with a word art canvas as a thank you for her dedication and strong leadership over the last year.

The HPA named its thirty-four incoming board members which include Michelle McArtor, president, Tammy Byrd, president-elect and vice president of the Happy Hollydays Bazaar, Cindy Marshall, vice president of the Happy Hollydays Bazaar, Karla Bishop, treasurer, and Gina Grove Collins, vice president of membership.

 “The HPA has been a great benefit for me and my family. I love that we are able to connect to families in the community as well as contribute to the education of our children at Hyer Elementary. Our membership drive is underway and we look forward to continued relationships with HPA members from last year as well as new friends in the Hyer area, “ said HPA President Michelle McArtor.

Angela Hughey, HPA Parent Socials Co-Chair, added, “My Husband and I moved into University Park two years ago, and by joining the HPA it has allowed my husband and me to meet many new friends quickly. We are organizing "Class Mixers" in August to allow Parents to mingle with other Parents of similar aged children.  We're also planning a Casino Night and a Progressive Dinner (in which over 45 couples attended last year)!  This will truly be an amazing year for both the moms and the dads to socialize and grow friendships for years to come.”

The Hyer Preschool Association continues its 58-year history, connecting moms, children, and families to the community. Membership is currently available to those families in the Hyer Elementary attendance area with infant through kindergarten children.  The current membership drive is underway as the HPA gears up for kindergarten parties, family pool night, and Mom’s Night Out throughout the summer.  For membership forms and more information visit

— Hyer Preschool Association

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