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Kids who attended Baby Science classes at The da Vinci School had a roaring good time this summer. They learned all about dinosaurs in fun, meaningful ways.

Young students painted a volcano (learning about lava and getting some great large motor movement), dinosaur tracks were made using plastic dinosaurs (learning about 4-legged and 2-legged dinos and sharing), and pasta was transformed into skeletons (learning about fossils and following directions). Volcanoes even erupted after baking soda and vinegar were combined. Kids and adults alike had a blast!

Baby Science is an introduction to the wonderful world of science for children ages 16 months through 35 months. This class teaches simple science concepts and awakens curiosity through hands-on exploration. Baby Science provides stimulating classroom experiences, ideas and materials to incorporate science learning into your everyday life. The class is designed for a child and an adult companion and is part of The da Vinci School Family Education Programs which are open to the public.

There are still spots available for our fall Baby Science classes that start Sept. 4. For more information, please call Caitlin Seeligson at 214-414-9427 or email her at Classes are open to the public.