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Get your groove going at 7 p.m. July 12 with the Nasher Sculpture Center and Jampact, a band featuring the dean of SMU's Meadows School of the Arts Jose Antonio Bowen. 

The group, which describes their sound as "an eclectic and innovative electro-acoustic band dedicated to an improvisational mix of jazz, funk and world music," will be accompanied by dancer Jennifer Mabus, digital artists Ira Greenberg and Martin Sweidel. The performance, which is free and open to the public, will also include audience interaction.

Other members of Jampact include Buddy Mohmed (bass), SMU faculty members Kim Corbet (trombone and synthesizer), Jamal Mohamed (percussion), and Akira Sato (trumpet). Space is limited, so RSVP to 

Nasher Sculpture Center is located at 2001 Flora Street in the Dallas Arts District.