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Providence Class One students pose for a photo.

Colonists who looked like they stepped off the Mayflower were abundant as Providence Class One students immersed themselves in colonial life on April 4.  The Great Hall was transformed into a colonial settlement decorated with American Revolutionary flags, quilts, and stations where the students participated in hands-on activities of the period.  The children and their mothers (and a dad or two) dressed in bonnets and period dresses for girls, and coats, breeches, and tricornered hats for boys.


The Sons of the American Revolution conducted an educational flag presentation ceremony followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.  Then, Martha and George Washington shared their personal history with anecdotes about colonial life. A Colonial couple demonstrated the minuet, a dance popular during the time.


Students made butter and ate food in the Colonial kitchen, dipped candles, embroidered bookmarks, and wrote with feather quill pens.  They learned about muskets, uniforms, and ammunition used during this time period. Outside, students bobbed for apples and played games, such as rolling hoops. They also created artistic frames for photos of themselves to help them remember this historic day.


According to Colonist-for-a-day William Coulter, “Colonial Day helped me learn more about how they lived when they first arrived here in the 1600s. I liked it when the teachers were sent to the stockades for assigning homework and other crimes.”


Since 1989, Providence Christian School of Texas has provided academically able students from preschool to 8th grade with a challenging educational experience designed to help them know, love, and practice that which is true, good, and excellent, and to prepare them to live purposefully and intelligently in the service of God and man.  Providence’s core values are faith, family, intellect, counterculturalism, and stewardship. More information about the School can be found by calling 214-302-2800 or by visiting