Debbie Marsteller – Guest Contributor
Sep 27 2014



It is a fact that Texans are proud to share.  Unless you are considering our ranking in child well-being studies, where we should strive to be smaller, or should I say lower.  According to the Annie E. Casey Foundation, Texas ranks 43rd overall for child well-being.  It is a sad statistic for all Texans.  This is shocking given the great schools in the metroplex areas, after-school support and care programs, extracurricular opportunities in our Texas neighborhoods and the great strides in kindergarten and pre-school education through government initiatives.  Are we missing the chance to make a difference?

Studies indicate that the crucial window for early childhood development is prior to age three.  By linking research to practice, those working directly with infants and toddlers are able to further understand that the early years not only matter, but actually shape the brain and begin one’s lifelong trajectory, for better or for worse.  Caregivers who have a deeper understanding of early childhood development provide superior care.  TAIMH-The Texas Association for Infant mental Health is the only statewide organization working to improve the quality of care for infants and toddlers through training and certification.

Consider this!

A hairdresser must complete 1500 hours of training and education to get a certification.  A nail technician needs upwards of 700 hours.  Believe it or not, a caregiver for infants and children must have a mere 24 hours of training and education to get certified as a provider in Texas.  That is an alarming statistic. TAIMH bridges that gap between what is required and what is truly needed for effective early childhood development.  Too often, those working with young children have limited training and few opportunities for ongoing professional development.  TAIMH has a proven track record for providing quality professional development to early childhood professionals across the state.

For every child care worker who is professionally trained and equipped for their role, 10 infants and toddlers are positively affected. Annually, TAIMH impacts more than 15,000 infants and toddlers through training programs.  Pre- and post-surveys of participants have found:

  • Overall understanding of a child’s emotional development is increased by more than 80 percent.
  • Confidence in ability to perform job is increased by more than 60 percent.
  • Understanding of temperament and brain development is increased 100 percent.

TAIMH trains and certifies professionals working with young children and their families on the importance between relationships and early brain development but relies on the generosity of private donors and charitable contributions. Your commitment to support your, friends, family and neighbors will be greatly appreciated. It would also create a large, Texas-size foot print, as 100 percent of the proceeds go to TAIMH.


Lakefest Grapevine, a north Dallas-area benefit concert event, will take place on Saturday, October 4th, attracting around 5,000 individuals looking to enjoy and give back to their community and help TAIMH provide the needed benefits to our children and their providers.  For more information about the Lakefest Benefit Charity Concert, go to .