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The IKEA retail experience — at least from a maternal perspective — is under-appreciated.

Up in the children's toys and furnishings section of the IKEA in Frisco, there are nine child-sized tables, upon which the children can test out the toys before their bored, tired-looking mommies purchase them.

When my 2-year-old and I are there, at least as far as I can see, there's no call for this collective malaise. I'm thinking "this place is AMAZING!" the whole time*, and probably have more fun than the toddler. Now, obviously, none of us caregivers are happy all the time.  Why aren't these other moms similarly excited about all of these cheap toys and storage solutions?  

Me:  "Hey, Poppy. Look. This is what the inside of houses look like in Sweden."

I point to this display.
Poppy ignores me; she's busy helping IKEA get organized.    
 I mean, look at this stuff. You could put all kinds of things in these containers!

So, mommies and guardians of toddling children, let us go to IKEA; let us go to IKEA if for no other reason than to simply watch our children's faces when they're test driving the imported goods. The days of boisterous curiosity and enthusiasm for a $2 plastic hammer are numbered, and it's a refreshing thing to observe.

"Bring the kids! The IKEA store is family-friendly. Your kids can test all the toys in the children's department or have fun in the free supervised playroom while you shop." —

*except during those 45 seconds that my kid was missing as the direct result of my shameless eyeing of a $9 pastel tea set.  Everything turned out alright though; I found her and she got a new tea set.