Marci Stiles

By Elise Fuller, MA, LPCI, NCC
Supervised by Marci Stiles

Typically, when I speak of trust being broken in a relationship, my clients assume I am talking about an extramarital affair. “Well I’ve never cheated on her, if that’s’ what you’re asking.” — a common response when I’m inquiring about the current level of trust in their relationship. Unfortunately, trust is much more complicated than that. 

We are taught about trust from birth. Whether or not you can depend on your caregiver to bring you food, to coddle you when you’re crying, to show up at your baseball game, or bring you to get the ice-cream they promised.

We are constantly learning about trust and adjusting our feelings and reactions to the world based on whether or not we feel “safe.” In relationships, it is no different; in fact, some would argue that TRUST is the biggest underlying dance between partners.

In most failing relationships, trust has been broken. Sometimes it is overt, like the extramarital affair. But, often it's little things that add up over time: criticizing our partners, not listening to them at the end of the day, not supporting them when someone else is dragging them down, only showing effort in our own interests, and turning away when our partner is asking to lean on us.

These daily negative interactions tend to destroy trust. Another example would be a wife that agreed to have children previous to marriage that later changed her mind — “I don’t want it to ruin my figure!” These examples lead to an overwhelming sense of betrayal in relationships. Partners start to think, “You don’t have my back, and I’m in this alone.” 

As Dan Wile said when commenting on how these negative interactions create a viscous cycle for couples, “each partner feels too unlistened-to to hear, too misunderstood to be understanding, and too stung by what the partner just said to do anything other than sting back.”   

So if trust is broken and destroyed day by day, interaction by interaction, then wouldn’t it suggest that it has to be rebuilt in the same manner? The answer is a resounding YES! In essence, couples are actually creating new relationships when they make the decision to heal from distrust. They adopt the belief that trust is, first, a decision that is then further enriched by evidence. 

What I mean to say is the offended partner (could be one or both) makes a decision to end the negativity, and to make an effort to heal and ultimately trust again. Then, they make daily efforts to rebuild positive interactions that build evidence suggesting their relationship is becoming more trustworthy. The process should go as follows: 

First: The partner(s) establish transparency. They “come-clean.” They offer information to their partner that has been previously hidden.  This means sharing their emotions and previous hurt. Remember: when sharing your feelings it is safest to use “I” statements, and to avoid criticism, contempt, and defensiveness (see my article on communication spoilers).

Second: The betrayer(s) express genuine remorse. Partners work to create understanding and acceptance. They apologize. I often suggest "The Five Languages of an Apology" by Gary D. Chapman and Jennifer M. Thomas to help partners become master apologizers. This is a skill I believe will benefit you in all your relationships, personal and professional.

Third: The couple creates a timeline, or a “process of betrayal.” This is a historical review of how the distrust occurred in their unique relationship. This allows each partner to take responsibility in their part in the cycle and to problem-solve ways to avoid these interactions in the future.

Fourth: The couple reverses the betrayal process. They put their plan in motion. They turn toward each other, rather than away. They practice to be great listeners. They do away with criticism, contempt, defensiveness and stonewalling. They make commitments to one another to create an environment of love and support — creating a ratio of 5:1. There should be five positive interactions for each negative in the relationship. One should offer five kind words and compliments before discussing a complaint.

Many clients believe that good marriages should be “easy” they should “come naturally.” “If you have to put in too much work than it’s not a good marriage,” they’ll say. That could not be further from the truth. Good marriages are the reward, the spoils, for two hard-working, conscious and careful lovers! 

These tips are based on the marital research of Dr. John Gottman. Marriage counselors at Positive Outlook Counseling use these strategies and much more to help their clients heal old wounds in their relationships and build stronger, healthier connections that last a lifetime. For more information, visit

Positive Outlook Counseling
Marci B. Stiles, MA, LPC-S, NBCC

16610 North Dallas Parkway, Ste 2100
Dallas TX, 75248


Positive Outlook Counseling services range from individual counseling to family therapy to marriage counseling services. Marci Stiles specializes in individual, family, marriage and troubled teen therapy.

Click Here To Book An Appointment Online

Marci Stiles

A recent story by Marci B. Stiles, licensed professional counselor and founder of Dallas-based Positive Outlook Counseling dealt with how to identify the narcissist in your life and gave specific criteria for determining if that person driving you crazy was a narcissist.

“In many cases, the best strategy for dealing with a narcissist is to stay away and limit exposure,” notes Stiles. “But what if you are already married to a narcissist or the narcissist is a child, sibling or parent? In these cases, therapy and coping strategies can help.” 

  1. Know your limits. Trust your judgment and separate yourself from the narcissist when you need to. Your feelings and sanity are important, too.
  2. Create financial limits. If your spouse is a reckless spender, make every purchase over a certain amount a joint decision. Have a discretionary fund for each of you and a mandatory joint savings plan that is off-limits. This helps insure that each spouse has a say and the narcissist doesn’t spend you into the poor house.
  3. Hold firm on reckless behavioral boundaries. If your loved one engages in behavior like drinking, promiscuous sex, drugs, gambling, etc., you need to set hard limits that are not negotiable. These are deal breakers and you need to walk away from the relationship if they are broken. Examples include: drinking and driving, no sex with others…or whatever your particular challenges and limits are.
  4. Insist on compromise and decision sharing. Most narcissists tend to dominate the relationship and like to have things their way – more like a dictatorship. This can be mitigated by compromise. You may be in charge of household purchases, he is in charge of auto problems and yard care – or all decisions are made 50-50. Whatever works best for the two of you.
  5. Negotiate. This is a critical skill with a narcissist and will make your life easier. “You want this, I want that, here’s what I propose…”
  6. Bolster your self-esteem. Don’t expect much from the narcissist unless she or he wants something from you. Most of the time they tear down the people around them. I work with my clients on how not to buy into the “tear-down,” and to rediscover what is worthy about themselves.
  7. Don’t believe a liar. Sounds simple, right? Narcissists are good at changing their stories and making you think you’re the crazy one. In therapy I work with clients to help chronicle these “gas lighting” events and to keep track of reality and trust their memories.
  8. Create your own support system. Narcissists like to isolate and control the people around them. It is important for you to have friends, family and a support system outside of the narcissist. A positive support system keeps you balanced and makes it easier to see the “crazy” through the trees.
  9. Command respect. Do not put up with disrespect or denigration…EVER. It will make you appear weak to the narcissist and make the behavior even worse the next time. Disrespect is unacceptable and you must immediately leave the narcissist to either change their behavior or have them misbehave by themselves. Protect yourself from abuse.
  10. Leave. If things get too bad, then you must get out. Most narcissists won’t admit they are a narcissist and will insist you are the problem. They’ve been allowed to run with their bad behavior for a long time. Sometimes setting boundaries and re-programming behavior with a “zero tolerance” program makes a huge difference and empowers the loved one. Other times, nothing will work and it is time to go…even though you may have children together, financial dependencies…in the end it doesn’t matter if you are being crushed in the relationship.

“These strategies are helpful for almost any relationship, but critical for a narcissistic one,” added Stiles. “The non-narcissist has to be strong and firm in every situation, all the time. It is a lot like dealing with a demanding toddler with the added anxiety of danger. It can be exhausting and not always rewarding. That’s why a positive support system is so important.”

If you have an important narcissist in your life and would like to schedule an appointment about protection and coping skills, contact Marci Stiles LPC at 972-733-3988 or book your appointment online at:


Positive Outlook Counseling
Marci B. Stiles, MA, LPC-S, NBCC

16610 North Dallas Parkway, Ste 2100
Dallas TX, 75248


Positive Outlook Counseling services range from individual counseling to family therapy to marriage counseling services. Marci Stiles specializes in individual, family, marriage and troubled teen therapy.

Click Here To Book An Appointment Online