Mess Wright

It was a great Fall & Winter full of technology camps and maker days. Check out the photos and videos from those on our Renegades of Code Facebook page. Spring Events are all live, and registration is now open. We should have a Summer schedule published by February 10.

Until then, check out our Spring programs: 

Saturday Pilot Program - "Animation Lab"

Saturday, January 28, 10am - 3pm

This Saturday Camp will be a sort of "crash course/experiment" in stop motion animation concepts. It's a great intro for kids who haven't attended a camp yet, but I welcome kids who have been to many of my past programs, too. (You can learn more and sign up here.)


Spring Break Invention Week - "Fun with Makey Makey"

Monday, March 13 - Friday, March 17, 9am - 2pm

This time it's fun with hardware and software!

First, we'll create projects using Scratch coding language. Then, we'll use the popular Makey Makey invention kit to make a custom MIDI controller (for musical creations) and/or a video game controller (for games). (You can learn more and sign up here.)


Upcoming Weekend Crash Courses

"Maker Days: Sewing Soft Circuits"

Saturday, February 25 & Sunday, February 26, 10am - 3pm

This weekend Maker Camp is perfect for children who want to learn to hand sew and incorporate circuits to light up their stuffies and/or clothing creations. (You can learn more and sign up here.)


"Tech Days: Animation Lab"

Saturday, April 22 & Sunday, April 23, 10am - 3pm

This weekend Crash Course is perfect for beginners who want to learn to create short stop motion animation and gifs on their own mobile devices or tablets.

Students will be offered three different toy sets, then taught to use the toys' corresponding apps. They'll also be exposed to other apps where they can create animated shorts to build up their Studio of creations. (You can learn more and sign up here.)


View all present and past events on our Eventbrite page.



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